Be The Hero

A Unique 6 Weeks Online Programme
to Unleash Your Inner Hero

Curated with love, especially for my sisters who want to truly show up in their lives, face their fears, cultivate gratitude and learn to love themselves again.

Hero or Victim?

Which will you choose?

Over the years, I have found that the principles and habits I share in the Be The Hero programme have helped sisters go from depressed, afraid, anxious and stuck to being grateful, positive, hopeful and connected to Allah and their life's purpose.

I'd love to share it with you...

  • Your Daily Routine

    I will show you how to cultivate a habit of daily gratitude, forgiveness and acknowledgement in order to combat feelings of inadequacy and negativity about yourself and your life.

  • Your Emotional State

    I will teach you how to master your emotional state using tried and tested techniques - so that you are better able to navigate life's challenges.

  • Your Life Situation

    No matter what challenges you are currently facing in life, by embracing the 6 steps in the programme, you will develop a new appreciation for yourself, your life and those around you.

  • Your Life Story

    I will teach you how to choose the story you want to tell about your life and how this can empower you to start living more intentionally and more fully - today!

What are others saying?

I have gained a lot. Despite the aha moments I found myself in tears at times because even though I know Sr. Naíma was speaking in general, it felt like she was speaking to me directly in some aspects and as they say the truth is bitter. This is tough love. The bottom line is no one can come and save me. I must be my own hero and I must love and accept myself.

Ai Em

Be The Hero student

 I have absolutely loved Be The Hero! I am so glad I signed up & squeezed it into my action packed life! This not only complements my life, it enhances it in a way that makes my unique path full of excitement rather than trepidation. My heartfelt gratitude to Na'ima B. Robert & Fatima Mookadam for your generosity & patience 

Samina Siddiqui

Be The Hero student

I have watched all the videos and the bonus coaching videos as well and Subhanallh, the mindset shifts I've had have been HUGE. I realised a lot of things I have been doing a lot of things to sabotage myself and in essence keeping my 'inner awesome' in check. I know now that I don't have to be afraid to BE more, to Do more, to AIM for more.

Umm Hurayrah

Be The Hero student

Before starting the programme I was in a very dark place, dealing with a toxic marriage,that had an extremely negative effect on my mental health. I was at a point where I was considering giving my child, because it got so bad, and I knew she deserved better.I thought I couldn’t give her the care she needed. Out of sheer desperation I prayed to Allah to allow me a way to get through this without having to give up my daughter. The next day I came to an event where sister Na’ima was offering the programme. And I jumped at the chance. I really was at rock bottom. Since doing the programme, I’ve really been able to call myself out on my own negative thinking, being able to actively focus on the positive. Not only that but to also remain calm and rational when dealing with the negatives of life. It helped to make things a lot easier. It helped me re evaluate not only my relationship with the people around me, but also my relationship with Allah. Since doing the programme I’ve built boundaries with those around me, gotten rid of the toxic individuals that were in my life. Found a traineeship, so I can restart my career once my girl starts school, and all round have just become a more positive person. The thing I loves of about the programme is the sense of community and sisterhood, but also this journey is done while keeping Allah in mind. Everything goes back to him and his wisdom for us and our lives. That just makes life a lot easier to deal with.


Be The Hero student

I longed to be the star of my own show. The Show Up Club honours that. I yearned to be my own best hero. The Show Up Club toasts that. Empowering me to acknowledge my existence and all that it brings, The Show Up Club challenges me to rise. Before I joined, I was missing these key elements to write my own story and leave behind a legacy. What I love most about the Club is the weekly coaching sessions with my coach and mentor Na’ima B. I love how she applauds our wins, coaches us through our challenges and supports my fellows to offer me peer coaching. I love that I am working within an intimate group setting. I love the safe and sacred space The Show Up Club offers when I feel vulnerable. Since joining The Show Up Club I have achieved feeling that I am enough. That everything I bring to the table is good enough. And that every day is a chance to reset and do again, to do better, to do a bit more.

Shaki H.

Be The Hero student

I was running between the comfort zone and the stretch zone with regards to my writing. At times I would retreat back to my comfort zone because the stretch zone was far to alien to me.

Self improvement is something that was never meant to be comfortable for anyone. It's the reaching of a precipice. You can either become a master of your fears, fly over that precipice to reach new pastures, while having full trust in your creator directing that glider towards goodness. Or, you can continue retreating never truly realising your true potential to then assign yourself to your frustrations. I learnt a greator emphasis in being grateful for what I have and to forgive my self. Being grateful is what truly gives you contentment in ones life. Go with the flow- No point fearing something that has never happened. I achieved a higher degree of self actualisation; to keep moving forward and accept the discomfort by reframing it. It's normal to feel discomfort but, one must change the language from 'I can't' to 'I will'. I love most the weekly calls that help me check in, sharing our wins for the week and to be held accountable. It was great to hear the wins of fellow peers as it motivated me to challenge myself and to continue advancing. It was great to directly communicate with our coach (Na'ima) and recieve councel. Na'ima is incredibly knowledgeable and empathetic which made the experience credible and authentic.


Be The Hero student

Questions sisters asked before saying YES

Meet Na'ima B. Robert

Na'ima B. Robert has been telling stories and helping other women tell theirs for over 15 years. 


She is the award-winning author of the Muslim bestseller, 'From My Sisters' Lips' and founding editor of 'SISTERS', the magazine for fabulous Muslim women.


She has appeared on BBC's Newsnight, GMTV and on several BBC radio stations. Her work has been published in The Times Online and The Telegraph. She has been profiled in The Independent and Stylist Magazine as well as being a regular guest on Islam Channel, British Muslim TV and Salaam Media Radio.


She is Trainer-in-Chief at, a project aimed at developing and supporting Muslim women writers.


© Copyrights by Muslimah Writers 2020